Boxed Plants
We courier Boxed Plants, via FedEX, to your home or business, anywhere in Ontario! We have two options to choose from, a box of 6 or a box of 18, both includes the cost of courier. We sell other plants that are not listed below - come check them out at the nursery.
Boxed Plants — 6
Total of 6 plants
Cost $70 (includes cost of FedEX shipping)
Premium plants will increase the price of the boxed plants by the amount shown.
Boxed Plants — 18
Total of 18 plants
Cost $155 (includes cost of FedEX shipping)
Premium plants will increase the price of the boxed plants by the amount shown.
Box of 6 - Choose Plants Below
Box of 18 - Choose Plants Below
Available species may change throughout season.
Balsam Ragwort
Packera paupercula
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist loam or sandy loam.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, meadows, woodlands meadows, woodlands
Nectar and pollen attract small to medium insects.
Bloom Period May - Aug.
Height 15 - 60cm
Berry Bladder Fern
Cystopteris bulbifera
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist, well drained, calcarious substrates with a thin layer of organic matter.
Native Habitat Found on cliffs, boulders and in woodlands.
Bulblets form on underside of fronds and provide vegetative reproduction.
Bloom Period July - Aug
Height 45cm
Black Fruited Sedge
Carex eburnea
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to moist sandy limestone soils.
Native Habitat Found in mixed forests, cedar thickets, shorelines.
Clump forming and can colonize. Deer resistant.
Bloom Period April
Height 15 - 30cm
Blue-stemmed Goldenrod
Solidago caesia
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry loam or clay,loam.
Native Habitat Found in woodlands bluffs, ravines.
This plant is shade, frost and deer tolerant.
Bloom Period Aug. - Sept.
Height 45 - 90cm
Bottle Gentian
Gentiana andrewsii
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist humusy, well drained soils.
Native Habitat Found in moist fields, woodlands, thickets
Only large bees are strong enough to open the corolla for nectar and to pollinate.
Bloom Period Aug - Oct
Height 30 - 60cm
Canada Anemone
Anemone canadensis
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist loamy soils or gravel.
Native Habitat Found in open areas of meadows and woodlands.
Attracts bees for pollen. Can spread aggressively.
Bloom Period June - July
Height 30 - 40cm
Canada Milk Vetch
Astragalus canadensis
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist to slightly dry conditions.
Native Habitat Found in black soil prairies, moist meadows near rivers, sand prairies and abandoned fields.
Spikes of creamy yellow flowers stand above long compound leaves that have a fern like appearance.
Bloom Period June - Aug
Height 50 - 105cm
Cardinal Flower
Lobelia cardinalis
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist to wet humusy soils.
Native Habitat Found along streams, springs, swamps and low wooded areas.
Showy bright red spikes of tubular florets are a favourite of hummingbirds.
Bloom Period July - Sept
Height 60 - 120cm
Carex Pensylvanica
Pennsylvania Sedge
Soil Moisture and Composition —
Native Habitat —
Bloom Period —
Height —
Common Milkweed
Asclepias syriaca
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers loamy, moist soils. Tolerates a variety of soil conditions.
Native Habitat Found in fields and along roadsides.
Fragrant flowers. Spreads readily. Larval host for the Monarch Butterfly. Many insects seek its nectar. Large prickly seedpods.
Bloom Period June - Aug
Height 60 - 100cm
Common Thimbleweed
Anemone virginiana
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic dry to medium well drained soils.
Native Habitat Found in dry, open woodland areas
Is drought and deer tolerant.
Bloom Period April - May
Height 30 - 60cm
Common Yarrow
Achillea millifolium
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry clay-loam soils.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, fields, disturbed areas.
Floral nectar attracts many insects. Fern like foliage.
Bloom Period June - Aug
Height 30 - 100cm
Culver's Root
Veronicastrum virginicum
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to moist, loamy soils.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, woodland edges and openings, along rivers.
Spreads by rhizomes and tiny seeds. Disease resistant. Nectar attracts various bees.
Bloom Period July - Aug
Height 60 - 150cm
Cylindric Blazing Star
Liatris cylindracea
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry to mesic soil and is drought tolerant.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, rocky outcrops, bluffs and dry open woods.
This lovely plant has showy bright pink to purple flowers on short spiles that bloom for a month.
Bloom Period July - Aug
Height 40 - 55cm
Dense Blazing Star
Liatris spicata
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist sandy soils.
Native Habitat Found in tallgrass prairies, roadside ditches, along railways.
Many pollinators seek its nectar and pollen. Produce corms which can be divided.
Bloom Period July - Sept
Height 60 - 120cm
Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus
Opuntia humifusa
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry, sandy to rocky soils, tolerates moisture.
Native Habitat Found in sandy or hilly prairies, sandy slopes along river edges, rocky bluffs.
Food source for long and short tongued bees, moths, many animals and turtles
Bloom Period June - July
Height 20 - 60cm
Evening Primrose
Oenothera biennis
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic, sandy soil.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, fields, roadsides.
Biennial plant whose blooms open in the evening.
Bloom Period July - Sept
Height 50 - 90cm
Gold Fruited Sedge
Carex aurea
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers wet to moist rocky or sandy calcareous soil.
Native Habitat Found in wet or moist prairies, meadows, sandy fens or springs.
Many insects feed on the foliage, so do ducks and rails. Seeds attract songbirds.
Bloom Period May - June
Height 10 - 50cm
Golden Alexander
Zizea aurea
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist, loamy or part rocky soils.
Native Habitat Found in moist woods, meadows and prairies.
Excellent pollen and nectar source for many butterflies.
Bloom Period May - june
Height 45 - 90cm
Golden Ragwort
Packera aurea
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to wet humusy soil.
Native Habitat Found in low woods, swamps, along streams.
Nectar and pollen attract small bees and flies
Bloom Period April - May
Height 15 - 75cm
Grey Goldenrod
Solidago nemoralis
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry soil. Tolerates clay, sand, and gravel but likes fertile soil too.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, sand and gravel prairies, as well as in thinly wooded bluffs.
Has yellow flower panicles on medium height stems. It tolerates drought and supports many species includinng Goldfinches.
Bloom Period Aug - Sept
Height 15 - 80 cm
Grey Headed Coneflower
Ratibida pinnata
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic clay or clay-loam soils.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, woodland edges and disturbed areas.
Many insects seek its nectar and pollen. Goldfinch will eat the seed. Has drooping ray florets.
Bloom Period July - Aug
Height 90 - 120cm
Hairy Beardtongue
Penstemon hirsutus
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry soils.
Native Habitat Found in open woodlands, prairies, fields, alvars.
Nectar attracts many pollinators. Drought tolerant. Hairy stem.
Bloom Period May
Height 60 - 90cm
Hairy Panic Grass
Panicum acuminatum
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry soil sandy soil.
Native Habitat Found in disturbed land, thin sandy soil, cliffs, ledges and meadows.
Low basal leaves with flowering stems. Various insects feed on the foliage.
Bloom Period July - Sept
Height 30 - 60cm
Campanula rotundifolia
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist to dry conditions.
Native Habitat Found on bluffs, prairies, open woods
Floral nectar attracts many pollinators.
Bloom Period June - Oct
Height 15 - 60cm
Heart-leaved Aster
Symphyotrichum cordifolium
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry, loam or clayey-loam.
Native Habitat Found in forests, woodlands, meadows, fields,
Attracts may native bees and butterflies
Bloom Period Aug - Sept
Height 60 - 150cm
Heath Aster
Symphyotrichum ericoides
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry to mesic soils of various textures.
Native Habitat Found in fields, meadows, roadside.
Drought tolerant. Will colonize. Floral nectar attracts a wide variety of insects.
Bloom Period July - Oct
Height 30 - 80cm
Hoary Vervain
Verbena stricta
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry to mesic sandy soils or with some clay or gravel.
Native Habitat Found in fields, prairies, roadside.
Floral nectar attracts many pollinators. Seeds attract songbirds. Drought tolerant. Hairy stems and leaves.
Bloom Period July - Aug
Height 20 - 80cm
Lance-leaved Coreopsis
Coreopsis lanceolata
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry, sandy to rocky soils.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, roadside.
Floral nectar and pollen attract many pollinators. Can form colonies.
Bloom Period July - Sept
Height 60 - 75cm
Larger Blue Flag Iris
Iris versicolor
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers wet soils.
Native Habitat Found on margins of ponds and swamps and on lakeshores.
Divides by bulbs and rhizomes.
Bloom Period June - July
Height 30 - 75cm
Little Bluestem
Schizachirium scoparium
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry, sandy, gravelly soils.
Native Habitat Found in prairies and fields,
Larval host to Skippers. Songbirds eat seed. Attractive in fall and winter.
Bloom Period Aug - Oct
Height 60 - 90cm
Long Leaved Bluets
Houstonia longifolia
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist to dry rocky or sandy soil.
Native Habitat Found in high quality prairies, savannas, open woods and rocky outcrops.
This is a small, compact plant with distinctive tiny flowers that range from white to pale pink or pale blue and slender green leaves.
Bloom Period June - Aug
Height 10 - 25cm
Long- headed Thimbleweed
Anemone cylindrica
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry soils.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, roadsides and woodland edges.
Can be used for green roof plantings.
Bloom Period May - July
Height 20 - 80cm
Maidenhair Fern
Adiantum pedatum
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist to mesic, loamy fertile soils.
Native Habitat Found in rich deciduous woodlands.
Dainty yet hardy. Deer resistant.
Bloom Period —
Height 45cm
Nodding Onion
Allium cernuum
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist to mesic, rich loam, sandy or rocky soils.
Native Habitat Found in prairies or stream banks.
May form floral bulblets.
Bloom Period July
Height 45cm
Obedient Plant
Physostegia virginiana
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to moist rich loamy soils.
Native Habitat Found in meadows, shorelines.
Bees and Ruby Throated Hummingbirds seek its nectar. Spreads readily by rhizomes. Named for flowers which rotate and remain where placed.
Bloom Period July - Oct
Height 120cm
Ohio Goldenrod
Solidago ohioensis
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist, sandy or rocky soils.
Native Habitat Found in meadows, wet prairies, along shores.
Good nectar source for butterflies.
Bloom Period July - Sept.
Height 40 - 100cm
Poverty Oat Grass
Danthonia spicata
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry to mesic sterile sandy, gravel or rocky soil.
Native Habitat Found in dry upland areas, thinnly wooded bluffs and slopes, sand and hill prairies.
Low basal leaves with flowering stems. Various insects feed on the foliage.
Bloom Period June - July
Height 30 - 60cm
Prairie Dropseed
Sporobolus heterolepis
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry to mesic well drained, rocky soils and is drought tolerant.
Native Habitat Found in meadows, mixed prairies and tallgrass prairies.
This warm season grass has an attractive bunching form and unusually has fragrant flowers. It has good fall colour and winter interest.
Bloom Period Aug - Oct
Height 60 - 90cm
Prairie Smoke
Geum triflorum
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry to mesic soil and a cool northern climate.
Native Habitat It is found in alvar habitat and high quality prairies where plants are not tall.
Forms a low leafy rosette with stalks of nodding pink flowers that become attractive seed heads.
Bloom Period April - June
Height 30 - 40cm
Robins Plantain
Erigeron pulchellus
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry, clay loam soils that can contain sandy or rocky material.
Native Habitat Found in open woods, wooded bluffs and stream banks.
This plant has a rosette of basal leaves and a single stalk topped with a cluster of white or light pink daisy-like flowers. It can create small colonies by rhizomes.
Bloom Period June - July
Height 30 - 60cm
Rock Harlequin
Corydalis sempervirens
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry acidic well drained soil.
Native Habitat Found in rocky woodlands, rocky or sandy shores and disturbed places.
This is a delicate lacey biennial with bluegreen leaves and pink and yellow tubular flowers.
Bloom Period May - Aug
Height 30 - 80cm
Round - Headed Bushclover
Lespedeza capitata
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers sand, loam, gravel.
Native Habitat Found in dry fields.
Plant is high in protein providing food for deer and rabbits.
Bloom Period July - Sept
Height 60 - 150cm
Showy Tick-Trefoil
Desmodium canadense
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to moist, loamy soils.
Native Habitat Found in moist prairies and meadows, along borders of lakes, rivers and thickets.
Fixes nitrogen in soils. Excellent food source for wildlife.
Bloom Period July - Sept
Height 60 -120cm
Sky-Blue Aster
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry conditions and is adaptable to many soil types.
Native Habitat It is found in prairies, woodland borders, sandy meadows and roadsides.
This plant has showy sky blue flowers with yellow centres that grow in many flowered panicles. It is drought tolerant and spreads by rhizomes and seed.
Bloom Period Sept - Oct
Height 60 - 100cm
Slender Mountain Mint
Pycnanthemum tenufolium
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry loam or rocky soils.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, meadows, woodlands.
Flowers are attractive to many kinds of insects.
Bloom Period July - Sept.
Height 60 - 90cm
Small Pussytoes
Antennaria howellii
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry, sandy soils.
Native Habitat Found in dry open woodlands, meadows, rocky areas.
Named for the flower's similar appearance to a cat's paw. Excellent groundcover.
Bloom Period April - July
Height 8 - 35cm
Smooth Aster
Symphyotrichum leave
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic loamy or sandy soils.
Native Habitat Found in moist prairies, open woodland.
Many pollinators attracted to its nectar and pollen. Numerous showy flowers. Smooth leaves.
Bloom Period Aug - Oct
Height 30 - 80cm
Helenium autumnale
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist to wet, organically rich soils containing loam or silt.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, woodland openings, marshes, fields, along streams and in ditches.
Attracts various pollen and nectar seeking insects.
Bloom Period Aug - Sept
Height 90 - 120cm
Spreading Dogbane
Apocynum androsaemifolium
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry, sandy or rocky soils.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, woodlands, bluffs, sandy fields.
Spreads readily by rhizomes. Milky sap.
Bloom Period June - Aug
Height 45 - 120cm
Square-stemmed Monkey Flower
Mimulus ringens
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers wet, rich loamy soils.
Native Habitat Found along shores of rivers and lakes, swamps, wetlands.
Can tolerate occassional flooding. Bees can make their way into the partially closed flower for nectar.
Bloom Period June - Sept
Height 30 - 90cm
Sweet Grass
Hierochloe odorata
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist to wet, sandy loam.
Native Habitat Found in meadows, low prairies, marshes, shores and the edge of woodlands.
Leaves have a vanilla-honey fragrance especially when dried. Spreads readily by rhizomes. Cool season grass.
Bloom Period June
Height 60 - 120cm
Tall (Prairie) Cinquefoil
Drymocallis arguta
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic to dry, clay, rocky, or sandy soils.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, pastures and roadsides.
Nectar source for short-tongued insects. Drought tolerant
Bloom Period June - Sept
Height 40 - 90cm
Tall Wormwood
Artemisia campestris
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry sandy soil.
Native Habitat Found in fields and prairies, coastal beaches and dunes, rocky slopes and the edges of rivers.
This bienniel or short lived perennial has silvery leaves, stalks of yellowish white flowers and a deep taproot.
Bloom Period July - Sept
Height 50 - 100cm
Tufted Hair Grass
Deschampsia cespitosa
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry to mesic rocky soils.
Native Habitat Found on shorelines and in alvars.
Clump forming. Cool season grass.
Bloom Period July - Sept
Height 75cm
Upland White Goldenrod
Solidago ptarmicoides
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry sandy or rocky soils.
Native Habitat Found in rocky open woodlands.
Drought tolerant. A small, pretty white flowered goldenrod.
Bloom Period July - Sept
Height 20 - 35cm
Virginia Mountain Mint
Pycnanthemum virginianum
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist soils. Tolerates dry. Any soil texture.
Native Habitat Found in meadows, swamps, along streams and ponds.
Aromatic leaves. Densely packed flowers. Floral nectar attracts a variety of pollinators.
Bloom Period July - Oct
Height 60 - 90cm
Wild Bergamot
Monarda fistulosa
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers moist to slightly dry loamy soils.
Native Habitat —
Floral nectar attracts many pollinators. Scented leaves. Spreads readily.
Bloom Period July - Sept
Height 60 - 120cm
Wild Columbine
Aquilegia canadensis
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry to mesic loamy, rocky or slightly sandy soils
Native Habitat Found in open woodlands, woodland edges, railway corridors.
Floral nectar attracts bumblebees and Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds.
Bloom Period May - June
Height 30 - 100cm
Wild Savory
Calamintha arkansana
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers mesic, well drained slightly alkaline soil.
Native Habitat Found in fields, open meadows
Fragrant mint scented groundcover.
Bloom Period May - Oct
Height 8 - 18cm
Wild Strawberry
Fragaria virginiana
Soil Moisture and Composition Prefers dry to mesic fertile soils containing loam or clay-loam.
Native Habitat Found in prairies, meadows, open woodlands, roadsides, and along railroads.
Floral nectar and pollen attract many pollinators. Small sweet red berries.
Bloom Period April - June
Height 10 - 18cm