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Native Plants in Claremont

Looking forward to serving you, our valued customers, in 2025. We so appreciate your support, and knowledge and commitment to making the world a better place, one (or in most cases, several!) native plant(s) at a time. We are striving to grow quality plants and serve you all the best we can.

Thank you. See you in Claremont!

Karen and Rob

Reduce/Re-use/Recycle Plastic Trays and Pots!

Bring Your Own Trays/Boxes/Bags

Native Plants in Claremont

That is... reduce plastic use by "Bringing your own Trays/Boxes/Bags" – in which to carry your plants to your car and home. Or you may purchase a re-usable cardboard tray for $1.00 plus HST.

We will pay you to return any of OUR intact plastic pots and trays to the nursery for washing and re-use. Payment will be a credit toward your nursery purchase that day - $.05 per intact pot and $1 per intact tray.

We will accept and re-cycle any of OUR returned broken pots and trays.

Native Plants in Claremont

Public Retail Nursery Hours

Watch our socials for news about our Pop-up Sales at the nursery in late April and Early May – you will be able to visit and purchase Spring ephemerals and other early native plants.

Regular nursery hours for the entire 2025 nursery season will begin in early May, 2025. Retail customers who wish for delivery (orders over $500) can email us to create an order and make delivery arrangements.

Wholesale Customers

Wholesale customers are municipalities, conservation authorities, schools, organizations, nurseries and landscapers.

If you want plants delivered (orders over $500 within our delivery area) or gathered for you to pick up, you may NOW download, complete and email us our 2025 Wholesale Plant and Price list. Or email your own list if you prefer. An assembly fee of 5% (orders up to $500) and 3% (orders over $500) will be added. Delivery fees are listed on the Services Page. Deliveries/pick-ups start at the end of April.

Pre-ordering is optional and not necessary. When we open for the season in April, please visit us to buy plants during any of our regular nursery hours (no appointment necessary) or Email us to make an appointment to shop at our nursery when we are not open to the public - Bring your list to our nursery and staff will quickly assist you in gathering the plants you need, all at the wholesale plant rate (no assembly fee).

You can check to see our current stock on the Current Inventory found on our Website Home Page (will be populated at the end of April, and then updated weekly).

Native Plants in Claremont - Garden Design

We Design Gardens!

We have the know how. You have the garden. Contact us for a consultation to see how we can work with you to design your native plant garden.
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Native Plants in Claremont - Recommended Landscapers

Native Plant Garden Expertise

Looking for professional help with installing your native plant gardens? Perhaps one of the businesses listed here would be right for you.
View The List
Native Plants in Claremont - Wildflower Kits

Wildflower Kits

Native Wildflower Kits are available for purchase at the nursery! Species may vary throughout the season depending on availability.
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Native Plants in Claremont - Seed Packets

Seed Packets

Grow beautiful native wildflowers and attract butterflies and other pollinators with our mix or single species seed packets.
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Native Plants in Claremont - Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates

Our gift certificates are available through our Online Store!  We will mail them to you or directly to your gift recipient.
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Native Plants in Claremont - Delivery


Can't visit us in Claremont? We will deliver our plants right to your door in Peel Region, York Region, Toronto and Durham Region.
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About Native Plants in Claremont

Native Plants in Claremont is a nursery devoted to the increased awareness and restoration of Ontario's native plants and their habitats, growing a diversity of quality native plants and to providing an enhanced retail experience for customers. Native Plants in Claremont was opened in 2006. Owner Karen Abrahams and husband Rob Messervey operate the nursery with knowledgeable employees and share the love of Ontario's natural areas and native flora with native plant gardeners across the Greater Toronto Area and beyond.

Duffins Creek flows through the 15 acre nursery property, conveniently located in Ontario's Greenbelt land in picturesque Claremont (north Pickering).

At Native Plants in Claremont we acknowledge that the land where the nursery is located is within the Treaty and Traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and the Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewas Nations. We are reminded of the relationship with First Nations People and with the ancestral lands on which we work, live, learn and share.

We respectfully acknowledge the autonomy, beauty and complexity of native plants and the essential part they play in a healthy, sustainable environment.

We specialize in growing over 150 species of native sedges, grasses, wildflowers, shrubs and a few trees. Plants are primarily seed grown and we adhere to the North American Native Plants Society Guidelines for Commercial Native Plants Growers, and the Society of Ecological Restoration – Ontario Chapter Native Plant Grower Guidelines (last revised 2010). For example, for rarer plants we collect seed once and establish source plants at our nursery; for many species we establish seed beds at our nursery to harvest seed from and re-establish them occasionally to avoid selecting for nursery grown plants; we collect no more that 10% of seed from any population and select from a number of individuals. Seeds are collected mostly in Ontario Seed Zone 34 (GTA), and also in 35/36 (east of GTA) and some in 37 (west of GTA).

For some species which readily grow vegetatively (e.g., Mayapple, Wild Strawberry), as well as growing these from seed we will also sustainably harvest plants from our established nursery beds. We purchase and re-sell some plants from local and trusted nurseries.

We use practices to help plants grow and stay healthy naturally. Plant health is regularly monitored and problems are diagnosed. Our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy focuses on preventative measures. A variety of methods are used to control pests and diseases, when necessary, including mechanical, biological and chemical control. The chemical products used, be it for prevention or control, are organic and biodegradable. We regularly water new seedlings before transplant with compost extract to decrease the use of inorganic fertilizers. We are gradually reducing our reliance on peat based growing medium by mixing it with organic compost for our larger potted plants. We are diminishing our dependence on buying plastic pots and trays by encouraging our customers to return ours so we can wash and disinfect them for reuse.

We are close to Toronto and minutes from many famous trails and attractions. Stop by the nursery and then explore the Trans Canada Trail, Duffin's Creek, Durham Regional Forest, Oak Ridges Moraine, Trail Hub, Slab Town Cider Co., and historical downtown Uxbridge. We supply plants to conservation organizations, wholesale customers such as landscapers and nurseries and to the public for their home gardens. Visit us for plants for your home or community gardens, schools grounds, garden centres, restoration plantings and landscape customers.

New gardeners and native plant enthusiasts are welcome! See you in Claremont!