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Boxed Plants

We courier Boxed Plants, via FedEX, to your home or business, anywhere in Ontario! We have two options to choose from, a box of 6 or a box of 18, both includes the cost of courier. We sell other plants that are not listed below - come check them out at the nursery.
Boxed Plants — 6
  • Total of 6 plants
  • Cost $70 (includes cost of FedEX shipping)
  • Premium plants will increase the price of the boxed plants by the amount shown.
Boxed Plants — 18
  • Total of 18 plants
  • Cost $155 (includes cost of FedEX shipping)
  • Premium plants will increase the price of the boxed plants by the amount shown.
Attracts Bee
Attracts Butterfly
Prefers Sun
Prefers Part-Shade
Balsam Ragwort Packera paupercula
Prefers moist loam or sandy loam.
Found in prairies, meadows, woodlands meadows, woodlands
Nectar and pollen attract small to medium insects.
May - Aug.
15 - 60cm